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Opinion Archives for 2020-10


I’M FED UP, I’ve had it, I want it to end . I want to Make America Great Again. I’m
tired of waking up each morning and turning on the TV news to find out what craziness
happened over night. What new thing this irresponsible president did or said , what city
was ravaged by riots and unrest. I don’t pretend to have a crystal ball to know how it’s all
going to end, but one thing I do know for sure is that it isn’t going to get any better with
the election of Donald Trump to another 4 more years as President! We have seen what it
is like with him at the helm and this country can’t withstand another 4 more years. We
have seen what it’s like...division not unity, ugliness not civility, disrespect for promises
and agreements made. Donald Trump doesn’t believe in science, and he puts no value on
facts. He lies about everything and does nothing unless it is to his advantage.
But, I can’t just blame him. I blame the spineless , cowardly members of the Republican
Senate and House who refuse to rein him in even though they know he is way off base.
They could have neutered him years ago but now they simply cower and feign that they
really don’t know enough about the issue a comment.
I, like you want to Make America Great Again, to go back to a time when I don’t have to
unfriend long time friends and a time when I don’t have to like or dislike my neighbors
based on the political signs on their lawn. It isn’t going to all end with the next election
but it certainly is a place to start. Our votes can tell the world and this country that we are
better than that.
On the last go around I voted for 2 Republicans because they promised me that they were
going to be a different kind of Republican. They were gong to have a concience and they
were going to have courage to buck the party line. Once they won the seat they quickly
found out that if they didn’t want a short lived political career they better just go along
with the party line. I voted for these new kind of Republicans then but I sure won’t do that
this time. I want to make America Great Again. We have the opportunity right now to
vote. I urge you to vote for Democrats and tell the world that Wisconsin voters are ready
to get back to civility and replace Donald Trump and the enablers that are riding his coat

Jerry MacMillin
1309 Texas St
Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235

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