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Opinion Archives for 2022-04

As members of the Door County Community, we support equal rights for LGBTQ+ people

Fifty years ago, when a middle-aged Jewish school teacher from Queens, New York learned her gay son was hospitalized because a city official had assaulted him, she decided right then that enough was enough. She wrote a letter to her local newspaper supporting her child, championing his efforts on behalf of the movement for LGBTQ+ equality and justice. Jeanne Manford launched a movement to engage parents and allies to support our LGBTQ+ children. Less than a year after that letter was printed, she founded what we know today as PFLAG, the first and largest organization for parents, families, and allies of the LGBTQ+ community.

Today, as powerful people again turn their harmful and bullying assaults on our LGBTQ+ loved ones we choose to lead like Jeanne, and lead with love.  

Whether you’re a part of PFLAG, you have an LGBTQ+ child, or you are an ally who believes that regardless of their color, genders, or where they live, all kids deserve the freedom to be themselves, we ask you to join PFLAG Door County.

Our kids and our community are being assaulted by people who stoke fear and spread misinformation about LGBTQ+ people. They are trying to divide our community and turn us against each other in order to seize power. And they are doing it by attacking children and teens. 

Enough is enough. PFLAG Door County has been advocating, educating, and supporting LGBTQ+ people, their families, friends and allies since 1997. This year we celebrate our 25th anniversary! PFLAG Door County meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month, at 6 p.m. on Zoom. Contact us at for the link or join our Facebook group. Together, we can make this a place that includes all of us – a place where we are all free to thrive and support each other for who we are. Join us and be people who choose to lead like Jeanne, and lead with love.

The officers of PFLAG Door County

Beth Mitchell, President

Sandy Brown, Treasurer

Ricki Mitchell, Secretary

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